Animation by Frank Thomas (1912 - 2004), co-author of “The Illusion of Life“ and one of Disney’s famed “Nine Old Men.“ Known for his ability to portray characters with a wide range of vivid emotions.
Music: “Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life,“ “Hide And Seek,“ and “Copenhagen“ by Ambrose & His Orchestra
Thanks to Hans Perk for providing the animator drafts!
Clips used (all Disney):
0:00 - Pinocchio (1940)
0:09 - Brave Little Tailor (1938)
0:22 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
0:36 - The Pointer (1939)
0:40 - Bambi (1942)
0:48 - Little Hiawatha (1937)
1:02 - Pinocchio (1940)
1:10 - Mickey’s Elephant (1936)
1:20 - The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)
1:38 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
1:50 - Alice in Wonderland (1951)
1:57 - Pinocchio (1940)
2:09 - Mary Poppins (1964)
2:22 - The Pointer (1939)
2:27 - Bambi (1942)
2:41 - The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)
2:56 - Peter Pan (1953)
3:02 - Alice in Wonderland (1951)
3:05 - Cinderella (1950)
3:14 - Lady and the Tramp (1955)
3:29 - Peter Pan (1953)
3:31 - 101 Dalmatians (1961)
3:35 - The Sword in the Stone (1963)
3:43 - The Jungle Book (1967)
3:49 - Alice in Wonderland (1951)
3:59 - 101 Dalmatians (1961)
4:09 - Pinocchio (1940)
4:21 - The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)
4:41 - The Jungle Book (1967)
4:59 - The Sword in the Stone (1963)
5:17 - Lady and the Tramp (1955)
5:25 - Peter Pan (1953)
5:30 - Cinderella (1950)
5:33 - Alice in Wonderland (1951)
5:39 - The Jungle Book (1967)
5:48 - The Sword in the Stone (1961)
6:00 - The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)
6:18 - Pinocchio (1940)
6:20 - The Rescuers (1977)
6:34 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
6:40 - Alice in Wonderland (1951)
6:45 - Sleeping Beauty (1959)
6:48 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
6:53 - Sleeping Beauty (1959)
6:57 - Alice in Wonderland (1951)
7:06 - The Three Caballeros (1944)
7:31 - The Pointer (1939)
7:43 - The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)
7:54 - Cinderella (1950)
7:55 - The Jungle Book (1967)
8:06 - The Sword in the Stone (1963)
8:10 - Alice in Wonderland (1951)
8:13 - Mickey’s Circus (1936)
8:15 - Robin Hood (1973)
8:17 - The Three Caballeros (1944)
8:24 - Pinocchio (1940)
8:27 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1939)
8:32 - Brave Little Tailor (1938)