Oceti Sakowin: The Lakota People - The Great Sioux Nation

This video is for the ““The Lakota People & Nation“.. , their history, culture and affiliations. There are also videos in this channel, for: Chief Sitting Bull.., Chief Spotted Elk.., Grandfather Black Elk.., Chief Red Cloud.., War Chief & Spiritual Leader Crazy Horse.., Grandfather/Chief Frank Fools Crow (many!).., Elder Russell Means (3).., ..“The Wounded Knee Massacre”.., “The Wounded Knee Occupation” (1973).., “The Sand Creek Massacre”.., “The Standing Rock - Dakota Access Pipeline Protest” (2016).., ..“Red Cloud’s War”.., Elder LaDonna Bravebull Allard.., Unci Beatrice & Unci Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance.., Bobby Jean Three Legs.. ..and many other respected Lakota & Sioux People. ------------------------------------------------- The Lakota People, or, the people of Standing Rock are one of the first original Indigenous American tribes who inhabited Turtle Island (North America) before the arrival of Europeans. Often referred to as the Grea
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