Exaggerated, but still impassioned.
Modern Gaming isn’t fun, it’s an obligation. It’s a dystopic hellscape bastardizing the things we once found enjoyable about video games, and this video is a cathartic take on exactly why that feeling of resentment towards this new wave of entertainment exists within a lot of people who grew up gaming in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, or early 2000’s.
This is a comedic video essay on the state of modern gaming. Strap in. it’s not going to agree with you.
I leave out some context occasionally for the sake of the joke. It’s ok, everything is fine. Please don’t be upset.
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Shout out to the Biggest Problem In the Universe podcast. Lots of funny bantz on that show. Sampled them during the bit where Sony and Nintendo call me to bitch me out:
00:00 - Intro
01:41 - AAA Games Hate you
03:35 - You keep buying it
04:09 - Matchmaking is dumb now
06:20 - It takes the latter half of your adolescent years for Call of Duty to install
06:40 - Remasters
08:42 - Nintendo and Sony should support their back catalog
10:24 - All Playstation games are C-tier AMC dramas
11:58 - New original IPs are literally just Biomutant 5.5/10
13:05 - Ubisoft
15:13 - Far Cry 1,000,000,000
16:18 - Valve, where are you?
19:51 - EA squandered the EA Sports BIG brand
23:26 - Not enough easy to pick up, easy to master games
25:05 - Every Indie game is a color-blocked low-poly roguelike.
25:18 - All games are still made for PS2
26:07 - Digital sales are complete trash
27:06 - I don’t like Discord
27:36 - Gaming is now a job
28:11 - Final thoughts
Sound Effect Sources:
sword draw:
guitar solo:
sad violin:
elevator music:
door open:
Music Sources:
Kazoos Of The Valkyries by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Wild Strawberry by Purrple Cat |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Island from the Crash Twinsanity Soundtrack
For the SEO or w/e:
why does fall guys have a battlepass
grind for cat ears
call of duty
fall guys battle pass
ea sports big
NBA street
NFL street
matchmaking sucks
far cry
assassins creed
video games suck now
gaming sucks now
gaming isn’t fun
gaming used to be great
golden era of gaming
best gaming era
gaming obligation
discord bpd
game ui
game ux
Modern Game UI sucks
Modern Gaming UI Sucks
Modern Gaming UX
Live service games suck
Live service UI/UX
modern video games
modren games
modern game
modern gamign
modern gaming
modern gaming rant
gaming rant
modern gaming video essay
modern gaming comedy essay
modern gaming it’s over
modern gaming essay
modern gaming in a nutshell
Modern gaming sucks
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