Democracy of Mass Destruction. A documentary by Pavel Selin, 2015 (Eglish subtitles) - Демократия массового поражения

Ever wondered what is the common denominator between Vietnam, Yugoslavia and Iraq? How democratic values are dropped from the US war planes? Why Agent Orange, white phosphorus and depleted uranium are the tools of democracy? This documentary by Pavel Selin was aired on VGTRK in 2015, but has acquired an added weight in 2023. In 2023 this “democratisation“ made a new step with the UK providing the Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions. However, before the whole of Donbass could have been contaminated with them , the stash was destroyed by the Russian aerial strike, with the radioactive plume travelling with the wind towards Poland, Scandinavia, and - in a “return to sender“ gesture - to the UK. The dangers of the depleted uranium are described in the article “Ukraine’s Depleted Uranium Blast: Europe on Brink of ’Environmental Disaster’“
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