This is insane i found a real mother yeast 200 years old and i went all the way to new york to make the pizza dough and try this mother yeast out wow the results are amazing here is the recipe: coming soon... or watch the video
Sour dough recipe
7 days starter
Day 1-3 same
Day 4-7 same
To Refresh same as day 7
4 to 12 hours to ferment depending on weather and location
Ratio of starter 1:1:1
Equal amount of starter to flour to water
How you know when the starter is ready? When you do float test… get spoon full starter and put it in water and if Floats, it’s ready… also smell it and see the bubbles.
Water temperature 70-80F
Used bottled water
Use non bleached flour
Don’t tighten lid, loose
Day 1
Weight out your mason jar 390 grams
Put 50g flour and 50 g water and mix
Total w
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