Finding Ancient Egypt’s Great Lost Labyrinth!

The Great Labyrinth of Egypt is one of the most famous lost monuments from our ancient past - a mythical structure, far larger than anything else built in Egypt, with thousands of chambers - it was visited and written about by several of history’s most famous authors, the likes of Herodotus, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder. Flinders Petrie suspected he had hit on the remains of the labyrinth in the late 19th century, and only some 12 years ago in 2008, his work was confirmed when large parts of the labyrinth were rediscovered, next to the Hawara pyramid of Amenemhet III. This discovery was met with resounding silence, and today, whatever remains are of the labyrinth are being eroded by inaction, and the rising water table in the area. This is the story of the Egypt’s great ’lost’ labyrinth, it’s history, modern re-discovery by the Mataha expedition, and possible future... Links: Cosco Foundation: Modern Knowledge podcast with Dr Carmen Boulter:
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