Anime Twitter Spotlight: Chainsaw Man’s Biggest Fan
Before the anime even aired, there was a flood of Chainsaw Man fanart. Lots of it isgood, but lots of it is also unhinged. Let’s talk about some of the creatively wild artists on everyone’s favorite not-dying platform, Twitter.
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Featured artists (I can’t directly link if it’s nsfw-ish)
@LioWig : the Himeno artist
@gurumo_ : the Kobeni artist
: CSM as a movie
@xyanaid : the meme-poster Fujimoto artist
Other artists (I can’t directly link if it’s nsfw-ish)
: Makima Pop Team Epic
: Kobeni ballin
: minion Makima
atsuchriscrossing (tiktok/instagram) : animal crossing CSM
: Kobeni McDonalds
@giganticbuddha : Power artist
: Makima cosplayer
@lewdamone : kobeni headpat
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