The terrifying Aghori sadhus in india

A place considered dreadful by others is home for Aghoris - The Hindu cremation ground. Do not confuse the Aghori sect for Hinduism which covers a more straight-forward arc between Sanatam Dharm and Arya Samaj and a lot more conservatism in between. Out of the various sects found in India, the most extreme and most feared of all are the Aghoris. The word Aghori in Sanskrit directly translates to “non terrifying“. The term Aghori is derived from the Sanskrit word Aghor which has various meanings. Aghor means “not difficult“ or “non terrible“ in one perspective and on the other it means absence of darkness. Aghor implies a simple and natural state of consciousness, in which there is no fear or disgust but on the contrary, the Aghoris have rituals that are seen as being disgusting and are feared by common people. As per the Aghori sect, the true meaning of the term Aghori is one ’who is fearless and who does not discriminate’. Aghori sadhus are associated with
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