Gong Jun (Simon Gong) GQ Interview Eng Sub 龚俊 智族GQ对话

GQ’s Rocco engages Gong Jun over dinner for a “mukbang interview“. 智族GQ 编辑总监刘冲和龚俊一边用餐一边聊天的 “吃播采访”。 Editor’s notes: 錦上添花的人很多,雪中送炭的人很少,得需要記住這些雪中送炭的人 It’s easy to add flowers on a wreath but hard to deliver coal during a snowstorm, we need to remember those who do the latter. GJ talks about how it’s easy finding those willing to add icing on a finished cake but hard to come by those who offer a hand during hard times, and he treasures the people who helped him before he was successful and nameless. Begin is Gong Jun’s self published photobook. If you are interested in knowing more about him and reading it, here is a link of the English translation: #GongJun #龚俊 #SimonGong #GQ #快乐打工人
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