OUT NOW: “Dreamer” – пісня, на яку мене надихнули саме ВИ! Це ода всім мрійникам нашого з вами світу. Саме з нею я знову повертаюся у національний відбір на “Євробачення”, щоб донести важливий меседж – мріяти потрібно незважаючи ні на що! Dreamer is a song that was inspired by YOU! This is an ode to all dreamers of our world! With this song I’m coming back to national selection of Eurovision Song Contest to bring an important message - follow your dream no matter what! LYRICS: INTRO I wanted to Be a dreamer It took some time To believe in They spilled my blood Called me a sinner They want me shut So I lifted MY VOICE… VERSE 1 You wanna touch You wanna wear my shoes Either Wanna live in better place we could build it I wanna show what’s like to be a believer I wanna see your deepest dreams to reveal them all PRE-CHORUS A brand new day a brand new li
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