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В этом видео я расскажу Вам, как правильно регулировать прижим створки металлопластикового окна или балконной двери. Фурнитура Siegenia-aubi.
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Hello, I am Gennadiy Latay!
If you need to adjust a clamp of the plastic window sash or balcony door leaf, this is very easy.
In this case, a mechanism / window fittings - Siegenia-Aubi is used.
Let’s get down to the adjustment)
This mechanism, Siegenia-Aubi, clamping eccentric has a cylindrical shape
It also has an inner hole for six flats for a hexagon key No. 4.
With the help of which the adjustment of the plastic window sash clamp is carried out.
This hole, where the key is inserted, is displaced from the conditioned center by 2 mm.
This eccentric, also, has a slot for a flat screwdriver i.e. if you do not have a hexagon key No. 4, then you can make the adjustment with a flat screwdriver, reducing or increasing the clamp of the sash against the window frame.
The minimum clamp of the sash to the frame is when the smallest part of the slot faces the sealing rubber
so the smallest clamp is obtained.
Maximum clamp is when the largest part of the slot faces the rubber band.
We insert the key and rotate the eccentric.
Here we get the maximum clamp of the sash to the window frame.
If you ask, how much
the sash clamp decreases or increases, if to use the minimum or maximum clamp of eccentrics, I’ll answer but better show it to you.
As a conditional point we take
the profile edge
it turns out 24 mm.
Rotate to the middle position
turning up or down
We make a measurement, it turns out – 25 mm.
The maximum clamp of the plastic window sash is 26 mm.
i.е. the difference between
minimum and maximum clamp
is only 2 mm.
And the average position is 1 mm.
towards a smaller or larger side.
Clamping eccentrics are not only
on the side near the window handle,
but also on the opposite side of the sash.
As a rule, there are from one to 2-3 clamping eccentrics.
Let’s have a look at them.
This eccentric has a different exterior view but it does not change the sense, it does not have a slot for a flat screwdriver.
But its position is changing the same way with a hexagonal key.
Clamping eccentrics are not only on two vertical sides of the plastic frame, but there are also above, in the clips themselves.
To access the upper eccentric, you need to open the window sash in two positions simultaneously, In a rotary position and inclined.
How to do it?! I show)
I open the sash in the swivel version and inclined and I get access to the clamping eccentric In the clips, in the upper frame mechanism, here it is.
Here it is our upper clamping eccentric
The smallest clamp of the sash, in this case, will be when you
the smaller side of the slot, adjust towards the plane of the frame or perpendicular to these clips, to this side.
This results in a minimum clamping force.
And the maximum - on the contrary, please rotate the eccentric by 180 degrees. Here it is the maximum clamp.
This is as for adjusting the upper clamping eccentric in the clips.
If this information was useful for you, please like and subscribe to my channel - See you the next time!
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