This is SHINJI. It looks like rainy season has already begun in some areas—I hope you are all doing well? In this episode I introduce a lovely purple wagashi called “karagoromo”. It always catches my eye when I see someone wonderfully wearing purple clothes. My grandmother is very sad that she has been unable to visit Yamaguchi-ya (the wagashi maker) in Nagoya in a long while, but they can ship orders, so I urge anyone interested to try it.
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In this episode, SHINJI introduces a wagashi called “karagoromo”, discusses an ancient poem created out of the letters of the kakitsubata flower, and explains the differences between other similar flowers. The members wrap up the episode by creating a “kakitsubata” poem of their own.
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This video is the English version of one part of SHINJI’s 12-part series that was previously featured on Amazing Radio Performers on the WEB, their weekly radio program that airs every Saturday.
SHINJI is the son of famous musicians, and his grandmother is a tea ceremony instr