How to Make a Mold (CHEAP)

Take the full course - Can you create a good mold of your sculptures at an affordable price? Yes, yes you can! In this lesson Andrew covers the materials needed to make a quality mold and the step by step process for making it. You’ll see how to apply the silicone to your sculpture and then the process of pulling the sculpt from the mold, and filling it with resin. If you enjoy this lesson and want the more in-depth one check out the premium course (link above). Your assignment is to create a mold of a torso. If you don’t have one, sculpt one and then make a mold. We’d like to see what you come up with so make sure you post your work here - RELATED LINKS: 7 Types of Sculpting Tools and How to Make Your Own - 5 Ways to Add Texture to your Sculptures - Basic Sculpting Supplies - #moldmaking #sculpting #siliconemold COURSE DE
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