According to Science, How Will the Human Race End?
We, humans, have had a pretty good run on this planet, but everyone knows it can’t last forever. Scientists are certain humanity is doomed due to ignorance and short-term self-interest.
When we analyze why humans are exploiting each other, we are missing the hidden driver, the evolution behind the scenes, which is the evolution of egoistic human desire. This is what separates us from animals.
A baby born today is dramatically different from a baby born 20,000 years ago, in their inner structure, regardless of biology. The biological bodies that are born and then die are simply the superficial layer of this being called “humanity.”
Internally, on the non-material level, we are the one collective evolving entity. We have a certain collective database accumulating experience and information. We also have a driving force, a desire that works by different rules compared to biological laws.
This desire which is the essence of all human beings never goes away, dies, or disappears, but keeps mutating, evolving, a