New “Serious National Security Threat” to US from Russia - LIVE Breaking News Coverage
The US is facing a new serious national security threat, reportedly from Russia. The new threat involves a “destabilizing foreign military capability.” Get the latest on the new national security threat from Russia in our LIVE breaking news coverage.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner today released a statement saying, “Today, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has made available to all Members of Congress information concerning a serious national security threat. I am requesting that President Biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the Administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat.“ The Intelligence Committee also sent a note to House members saying the new threat involves a “destabilizing foreign military capability.” Multiple reports say the threat is related to Russia. In this interactive live stream, host Steve Lookner brings you the latest on the new national security threat to the U.S., and he’ll also read your comments and questions on the air!
Agenda-Free TV licenses live news videos from AFP and Reuters. Some of those videos may appear in this broadcast.
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