黃明志Namewee feat. 王力宏 Leehom Wang【漂向北方 Stranger In The North 】@CROSSOVER ASIA 2017亞洲通車專輯

漂向北方 别问我家乡 高耸古老的城墙 挡不住忧伤 我飘向北方 家人是否无恙 肩上沉重的行囊 盛满了惆怅 Stranger in the north / Don’t ask about my hometown Even these towering old walls / Can’t block the sadness I’m a stranger in the north / How is my family doing? Carrying on my shoulders a bag / Full of gloom 有人说他在老家欠了一堆钱 需要避避风头 有人说他练就了一身武艺却没机会崭露 有人失去了自我 手足无措四处漂流 有人为了梦想为了三餐为养家餬口 Some said he’d gotten into trouble back home / And had to escape Some say he’d trained since childhood / And came to show his skills Some men have lost themselves / Helpless, lost, wandering Some men work hard to fill their stomach and support their families 他住在燕郊区 残破的求职公寓 拥挤的大楼里 堆满陌生人都来自外地 他埋头写着履历 怀抱着多少憧憬 往返在九三零号公路 内心盼著奇蹟 Living near the outskirts of Beijing / Desperately searching for a job and apartment Crowded buildings / Filled with so many foreign faces He hurriedly wrote a resume / With longing in his heart Pacing back and forth 930th Avenue / Hoping for a miracle 忍着泪 (不听也不想 不敢回头望的遗憾) 掩著伤 (扛下了梦想 要毅然决然去流浪) 抬头看 (卸下了自尊 光环 过去多风光) 著斜阳 (就算再不堪 败仗 也不能投降 Hold in the tears (Don’t
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