Rolling through the streets of Los Angeles in his 1941 Tatra T87, Mr. Paul Greenstein might as well be invisible. Other drivers speed past his Czech oddity without a second glance, seemingly oblivious to the car’s dorsal fin and triple headlights. But as Paul swings the Tatra into a parking space in front of a favorite local bistro, it’s as if he has brought the black teardrop to a stop in the middle of a Hollywood spotlight that immediately attracts the attention of every passerby. Here come the second gla
6 months ago 00:16:28 2
Вот как выглядит самая редкая машина в России. Обзор и тест-драйв TATRA T87
9 months ago 00:20:08 5
ОНА НЕ ХУЖЕ ИНОМАРОК. Волга ГАЗ 3105 с V8 и полным приводом (история и тест)
1 year ago 00:30:24 1
The Nazi Killer: 1938 Tatra T87 - Jay Leno’s Garage
2 years ago 00:06:20 1
1947 Tatra 87 is a V8 powered low-drag masterpiece!
3 years ago 00:00:48 1
TATRA 87 (T87) V8 engine sound
6 years ago 00:06:50 1
1947 Tatra T87 at The Klairmont Kollections on My Car Story with Lou Costabile