Явные чудеса с сердечной чакрой 432 Гц. 🌳Позитивная очистка чакры Aura Cleanse.🌳
Boost yourself with this positive aura chakra cleansing music. It is said to work wonders thanks to the 432 Hz waves that help activate the heart chakra.
Calm, relaxing music is the first most familiar remedy that a person intuitively resorts to to relieve stress or distract. This fact alone, that millions of people know about the miraculous properties of sounds to restore the balance of the body at the physical and mental levels, proves to us the practical benefits of listening to music after a stressful day. But let’s dive deeper into this issue and look at it from the perspective of music therapy.
This work is not intended to replace professional medical or consulting advice. If you are suffering from a physical or mental illness, always seek professional help.
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© Copyright Notice:
Music creation, video - composer: Gusman G - Soothing Relax Chakra Healing Music.
Copyright ⓒ 2021 Gusman G - Soothing Relax Chakra Healing Music.