The Best Strength Exercises For BJJ. Here’s our Top 5 with TUTORIALS
When setting out to make such a list, you have to be ruthless.
There are MANY good exercises out there, however when you’re trying to pick the absolute top of the bunch, you must say goodbye to some strong candidates.
In this video we detail our top 5 exercises for BJJ:
1. Turkish Get Up
2. Pistol Squat
3. Bottoms Up Press
4. Pull Up
5. Single Leg Deadlift
We also provide a tutorial for each exercise so if you’re new to them you can learn how to execute them here.
00:00 - intro
00:35 - pistol squat
01:28 - single leg deadlift
02:34 - turkish get up
04:09 - pull up
05:42 - bottom up press
07:28 - recap
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