Episode 4: The Fellow Craft Degree. Education by Rubicon Masonic Society.
“Discovering Freemasonry“ is an 8-part series presented by Rubicon Masonic Society which is an invitation only private group of Master Mason Freemasons located in Lexington, KY. The purpose of Rubicon Masonic Society is to establish a deeper understanding and connection with Freemasonry, its traditions and practices, and further cementing the brotherhood of its members and guests through conviviality and unity outside of the lodge.
Brothers within Rubicon have worked diligently in order to provide attendees and viewers with a factual overview and introduction to the philosophy and principles of Freemasonry.
This is a not an educational program to detract from the initiatory experience nor to reveal passwords, grips, steps, or any part or parts of masonic ritual that is considered sacred or private.
Upon our studies and surveys in and outside of Rubicon, we have consistently learned that new and even veteran Masons were never provided an explanation of the fundamentals that