Decree “The Solar Ring” Ascension Service with 4&10 Axis Clearance(July 19, 1985))
In the name I AM THAT I AM,
I stand the Son of God in the earth.
Clothed upon with the Sun of Righteousness,
I AM come with healing in my wings!
I AM the descending fire-light from my point of origin in the heart of God, in the heart of my own Mighty 1 AM Presence!
I stand now God-centered in my own Christ Self, and by the flame within my heart, I do now draw the solar ring around my forcefield as the base and foundation of my life in the earth and around ...
I now call forth, in the invincible Word of the Logos I AM THAT I AM, my invincible tube of light established upon the plat¬form of the solar ring for the sealing of my identity, my soul, my heart, and my mind within this mighty tube of light by the power of the solar ring — that I may go forth a son of God in the earth, using the power of seraphim for the protection of communities and nations and the earth body.
Therefore, in the name of Almighty God, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Moth