Web Comunistas Não Sabem Nada Sobre a URSS

LINK PARA DESCONTO NA INSIDER: CUPOM DE DESCONTO: MANUAL12 Documentário do Manual de História: FASCISMO, A CORRENTE SOCIALISTA RENEGADA Assista a um trecho gratuito DESCRIÇÃO DO VÍDEO A União Soviética construiu sua imagem de grande potência econômica por meio de estatísticas falsas, omissão sobre a pobreza de sua população, sobre a média real dos salários de seus trabalhadores e diversas outras informação. O que os web comunistas brasileiros divulgam são essas informações que a propaganda do regime divulgava sobre si mesmo. BIBLIOGRAFIA: BOETTKE, Peter. J. A Legacy of Lies and Lost Souls: The Russian Revolution at One Hundred Years. The Independent Review, Vol. 22, n. 2, 2017, pp. 191-197. EFREMOV, Steven. The Role of Inflation in Soviet History: Prices, Living Standards, and Political Change. Tese de doutorado. Tennessee State Univesity. August 2012. FIGES, Orlando. Sussurros: A vida privada na Rússia de Stalin. Record, 2010 FITZPATRICK, Sheila. Everyday Stalinism. Ordinary life in extraordinary times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s. Oxford Univ. Press. 1999. GAIDAR, Yegor. Collapse of an Empire. Lessons for a Modern Russia. Brookings Institution Press, 2007. GEKKER, Paul. Inflation in the Soviet Union. Review of Foreign Developments. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, October 2, 1962. HARRISON, Mark. Soviet Industrial Production, 1928 to 1955: Real Growth and Hidden Inflation. Journal of Comparative Economics n. 28, 2000, p. 134–155. LOVELL, Stephen. The Soviet Union. A very short introdution. Oxford, 2009. KHLEVNYUK, Oleg; DAVIES, R. The End of Rationing in the Soviet Union, 1934-1935. Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 51, n, 4, 2010. MALIA, Matin. The Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia, 1917-1991. The Free Press, 1995. MATTHEWS, Mervyn. Aspects of Poverty in the Soviet Union. In: JOHNSON, Bradford; RAYNES, Evan. Quality of Life in the Soviet Union: A Conference Report. Routledge, 1984. MATTHEWS, Mervyn. Poverty in Soviet Union. The life-styes of the underprivileged in recent years. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1986. MOLOTOV, Vyacheslav. Molotov Remembers. Conversations with Felix Chuev. Chicago, Ed. Ivan Dee, 1993. NOVE, Alec. An Economic History of the USSR 1917-1991. Penguin Books, 1992. OSIATYNSKI, Wiktor. Altruism in the Socialist World, in: Embracing the Other. Philosophical, Psychological, and Historical Perspectives on Altruism. N.Y. Univ. Press, 1992. PORKET, J. L. Work, Employment and Unemployment in the Soviet Union. Palgrave macmillan, 1989. PRAVILOVA, Ekaterina. The Ruble: A Political University Press, 2023. SCHEIDEL, Walter. Violência e a história da desigualdade. Da idade da pedra ao século XXI. Ed. Zahar, 2007. SHANE, Scott. Dismanteling Utopia. How Information ended the Soviet Union. Elephant Paperbaks, 1995. SHERRIN, Harrt. Why Did the Soviet Union Suffer Chronic Food Shortages? History Hit. 22 março de 2022. STORELLA, Carmine; SOKOLOV, A. The Voice of the People Letters from the Soviet Village 1918–1932. Yale Univ. Press, 2013. TUROVSKY, Fyodor. Chapter 7: Society without present. In: The Soviet Worker. From Lenin to Andropov. Macmillan. 1984. VOSLENSKY, Michael. A Nomenklatura: como vivem as classes privilegiadas na União Soviética. Record, 1980. WERTH, Micolas. Les Grandes Famines Soviétiques. Que je Sais? Humensis, 2020. YESDAULETOVA, Ardak; YESDAULETOV, Aitmukhanbet; ALIYEVA, Saule; KAKENOVA, Galina. Famine and Kazakh Society in the 1930s. Anthropologist, Vol. 22, n. 3, 2015, p. 537-544. YURCHAK, Alexei. Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More. Princeton Univeerssity Press, 2005. ZUBKOVA, Elena. After the War. Hopes, illusions, and disappointments, 1945-1957. Routledge, 1998.
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