Scotland (Europe) Vacation Travel Video Guide

Scotland, located in the north of the United Kingdom, is a fascinating and atmospheric land. A land of Celtic myths and legends with green hills, barren highlands, mysterious lakes and mighty the centre of the capital the impressive Edinburgh Castle crowns the hard basalt cone of an extinct volcano, the historic heart of the nation. The beauty of the dense forests and hills of the Trossachs was made famous by author, Sir Walter Scott, in the nineteenth century. It is the most scenic region in central Scotland and possesses grandiose, wild and romantic scenery. The remote Loch Katrine brings to mind Sir Walter Scott’s poem, The Lady Of The Lake. On the Firth Of Lorne is Kilmartin Glen one of the most important prehistoric regions in Scotland. Here, standing-stone, three metre high monoliths are scattered across meadows with grazing sheep. The Bronze Age megalithic grave mounds and stone circles can be seen from Duchraigaig Cairn. Across the north runs the Great Glen with Loch Linnhe, Lochy and Nes
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