What do women talk about? The theme of women’s conversations in the sun-drenched city has become a masterpiece of the artist Anatoli Gostev.
One of the warmest works of the artist with an amazing color scheme. The artist replaced the evening with noon and so filled the canvas with the warmth of the sun-drenched southern city that it pours out of the painting.
The painting warms the space with the leisurely conversation of two ladies. The canvas is perceived as a window to Italy.
By the way, initially, the working title of the painting was: “Conversation in Rome.“ This was reflected in the dark red palette of the city.
The difference in the masterpiece of painting lies in the feeling.
The artist saturated the painting with emotion. Inexplicably, the feelings of true artists who have dedicated themselves to painting are infused into the canvas. When people feel this unequivocally, the painting is called a masterpiece.
Here’s how the author himself, artist Anatoli Gostev, described the painting: “A conversation between two women with a feeling of sun and warmth. What are they talking about? Of course, about men! And the uneaten banana directs thoughts to the theme of conversation - about hopes, unspent feelings, and the vicissitudes of love.“
Source: High Investment Fine Art Agency ()
Source: Anatoli Gostev website:
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