Exclusive | The CAR is working to ensure Russian grain rapidly reaches African recipients, foreign minister states

️ Exclusive | The CAR is working to ensure Russian grain rapidly reaches African recipients, foreign minister states “The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for tracking all of this [supply] and I know things are moving forward. The amount is quite significant, so we must take action. [...] I know everything is going well. So there will be fresh news very soon,“ Sylvie Baipo-Temon, the foreign minister of the CAR, told Sputnik. On December 4, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow was sending grain to six African countries in need and that some ships were already unloading at the destination points. The top diplomat also confirmed that the CAR was happy to become a part of the Russian initiative. Subscribe to @sputnik_africa Sputnik Africa | TikTok | Twitter Источник: Geopolitics Live
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