It’s time for the Honest Trailer for the only X-Men the movies think matters: Wolverine! So before you see Deadpool vs. Wolverine, gear up for the 2nd of 4 feature-length Wolverine legacy sequels, truly the character that will never die!
►►Before you run out and see Deadpool & Wolverine, go grab yourself a chimichanga and settle in for The Most Comprehensive History of Deadpool, Ever!►
Honest Trailers | The Wolverine
Voice Narration: Jon Bailey aka Epic Voice Guy
Title Design: Robert Holtby
Written by: Spencer Gilbert, Lon Harris
Produced by: Spencer Gilbert
Edited by: Kevin Williamsen
Post-Production Manager: Emin Bassavand
Content Manager: Mikołaj Kossakowski
Post-Production Specialist: Rebecca Castaneda
VP Content: Max Dionne
#honesttrailers #wolverine #entertainment #trailer