21 Days of Abundance Meditation Challenge with Deepak Chopra - Day 6

Mission of the Day 6! Make a list of the names of the people or situations that you feel are somehow taking your energy. People who, when they are around, generate some discomfort in you. You can repeat some names from the list on day 1, but do not come into conflict, we are talking about energy. They may be physically close to you or not – what matters is how they make you feel. If you feel uncomfortable in writing some names, you can use only the initials or name alone, with no surname. Examples: They may be neighbors, co-workers, bosses, family, government people, someone who doesn’t resonate with you for some reason. Remember that these people, even if they take our energies, also teach us... Take it easy, no trial, just try to remember people who take you out of your peace center. Then, formulate an intention of forgiveness towards those people and situations, and forgiveness towards yourself, for allowing your energy to leak from your center due to things that aren’t serving your excitement and joy.
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