Scooter Rally Beware - Other Colour Pics Share This Title (1964)

Southend-on-Sea, Essex. Great footage of a scooter rally. Fun and games with a scramble race and obstacle courses as well as a nice ride along the sea front. Good C/Us of badges and mirrors on various scooters, chrome being lovingly polished. Scooter riders have arrived from all over the world. Nice shots of them riding along the sea front. C/Us of some of the scooters including one from Malta. Some are in national dress - a group from Eindhoven wear clogs and traditional Dutch outfits. โ€œWhether you are Dutch, French or English, scooter language is the same the world over.โ€œ states the ...narrator. Various demonstration of scooter riding prowess. The Bromley Innocents club perform some precision riding. Basil Lowrie and Monica Walker perform some stunts on a scooter, sanding on the seat and doing handstand on the back etc. Good shots of scooter girls and boys watching the show. A slow scooter race - last one wins and no touching the ground with your feet! Fun game with its origins in jousting
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