ASMR Dressing You As Oompa Loompa to Scam Children | Haircut | The Willy Wonka Experience
the funniest part of this whole thing is that it’s a real thing that happened and I didn’t make this up lol ( OK I took creative liberties here)
a scam company set the whole thing up and in this video you play one of the actors that (sadly) had no idea what they were getting themselves into!
0:00 Are you here to audition? looking over resume
4:38 “prepping“ your face
5:55 applying orange face paint
8:03 applying orange contour and highlight
12:20 oil pastel to draw in your features
13:25 more info about your job
15:48 measuring you for wig
19:13 Applying wig & haircut
23:10 putting band aid on little cut
27:00 asking you to invest in crypto & more trouble
29:00 applying eyelashes
30:27 gluing elf ears on you
33:20 adjusting costume & ending remarks
Instagram: AmyKayASMR (for random selfies and irl Amy Kay stuff)
Twitter: AmyKayASMR (for my unfiltered thoughts)
TikTok: @AmyKayASMR & @AmyKayASMRFast (this is just me goofing off)
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Brands & Sponsors : amykayasmr@
Other business matters (I don’t do customs) : mkayamy@
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Thank you to all my Patrons!
I livestream ASMR style D&D w/ even more ASMRtist’s most Mondays 7pm PST/ 10pm EST on this Youtube channel here!:
For those who want to support me but would rather not use Patreon, Throne is like an amazon wishlist but safer 🙂 :
1 view
4 months ago 00:15:28 1
АСМР 🧛 Вампир-Парикмахер | Ролевая игра / ASMR Vampire Hairdresser
4 months ago 00:35:12 4
The Hair Parlour | ASMR Roleplay, Edwardian Era (haircut, brushing, shampoo, scalp exam & massage)
5 months ago 00:08:15 1
ASMR fast and aggressive on scrathing Fabric Cloth, with Unusual Tingle Tk,tk,sk,sk mouth sounds