Копия видео “Eighteen types of Chen style Taijiquan explanation teaching. 陈氏太极拳精要十八式讲解教学“
The Chen family-style (陳家、陳氏、陳式 太極拳) or Chen-style Taijiquan is the oldest and parent form of the five traditional family styles of Taiji. Chen-style is characterized by silk reeling (纏絲勁;chán sī jìn), alternating fast and slow motions and bursts of power (發勁;fa jin).
Contemporary t’ai chi ch’uan is typically practised for a number of widely varying reasons: health, external-internal martial art skills, aesthetics, meditation or as an athletic competition sport (sometimes called 武术太极 wushu taiji). Therefore, a teacher’s system, practice and choice of training routines usually emphasizes one of these characteristics during training. The five traditional schools, precisely because they are traditional, attempt to retain the martial applicability of their teaching methods. Some argue that the Chen tradition emphasizes this mart
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