Day Of Remembrance (1945)

Full title reads: “DAY OF REMEMBRANCE“. London. Close up shot of Remembrance Day poppy sellers’ sign. Poppy sellers selling poppies. Close up shot of pinning poppy to lapel of coat of buyer. Mr Hugh Dalton, President of the Board of Trade, buying his poppy outside No 11 Downing Street. Mrs Attlee, Wife of the Prime Minister Clement Attlee, buying her poppy outside No 10 Downing Street. Tommy Trinder making up in his dressing room. A girl selling poppies enters and he buys one. American Ambassador Mr John Winant buys a poppy and raises hat to a girl seller. Field Marshall Alexander buying a poppy on steps of War Office. Old lady buys Remembrance cross and places in the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey. Title reads: “Day of Remembrance“. A boy, son of the late Lance Corporal Harden V.C. kneeling beside Tomb of Unknown Warrior. Close up shot of inscription on the tomb of the Unknown Warrior. Close up shot of the boy’s face. Houses of Parliament at 11 o’clock on Armistice Day
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