Top 3 multi-level menu improvements in version 6.0

Top 3 multi-level menu improvements in version 6.0: 01. Works in New-gen Instant Site (00:09 ) 02. Special icons in the menu: phone, search, e-mail, shopping cart (03:18) 03. Menu items with pic and descriptions (07:07) 01. Works in New-gen Instant Site You can read more details on how to add this code in our instructions at the link 02. Special icons in the menu: phone, search, e-mail, shopping cart. You can add special icons to the menu, such as phone, search, e-mail, shopping cart, which allows your customers to find channels of communication with you even faster. You can customize the appearance of the icons to the design of your store by changing: - the color of the icons in a calm state and in an active state (when you hover the mouse) - alignment of the block with icons to the left, center and right - icon size - padding around icons - indents between special icons - external margins between icons 03. Menu items with pic and descriptions. Now you can ad
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