Missatge de pau - Josep Ollé / Joana Raspall - Cor Pedrell - Esteve Costa - Partitura / Score

Descobriu la música coral de Josep Ollé a Discover the choral music by Josep Ollé here Lyrics translation Message of peace The wind and the sea have gone silent for a moment, and water jets of the fountains have stopped in mid-air, for they dare not touch a land that is called “blessed” because one day one Night, they sent it a message of peace. Our voices shake when asking: What have we done with the message? Only this: Where there is hunger, ignorance and suffering, where there are wars and death, there, we carry, with pomp and circumstance, the last shreds of our wellbeing. We have no more love, for “we” too are becoming poor; because we never have enough. Pride prevents us from asking “them”, in return, to be an example for us of the braveness needed to live in scarcity, and never give up, of the will and strength needed to love life with immense gratitude on having a roof and bread. This would enrich us. Peace must be like this. Joana Raspall (C) FICTA Edicions i produccions, s.l.
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