How to read ALL NUMBERS in English Big numbers Decimals/Ordinal/Fractions/Dates/Addresses/Phone
How to read ALL NUMBERS in English Big numbers / Confusing numbers / Decimals / Ordinal numbers / Fractions / Dates /Year / Addresses / Phone numbers
How to read numbers in English.
How to say English numbers.
How to pronounce numbers in English.
📚 Master How to Read ALL NUMBERS in English! 🧮 Confusing Numbers (12-20), Big Numbers, Decimals, Ordinals, Fractions, Dates, Addresses & Phone Numbers! 🌟
Welcome to our all-inclusive ESL tutorial on reading numbers in English! This video is your definitive guide to mastering every type of number you’ll encounter in daily life. Whether you’re learning English for work, school, or travel, this lesson will help you build confidence and fluency.
🔢 What You’ll Learn:
Confusing Numbers (12-20): Clear up the confusion and master these tricky numbers.
Big Numbers: Understand and read large numbers with ease, from thousands to billions.
Decimals: Learn how to pronounce and understand decimal points and numbers.
Ordinal Numbers: Discover how to correctly use ordinal numbers in everyday conversations.
Fractions: Get to grips with reading and pronouncing fractions.
Dates: Never be confused by dates again, learn how to read and write them correctly.
Addresses: Master the way addresses are structured and read aloud in English-speaking countries.
Phone Numbers: Learn the correct way to pronounce and understand phone numbers.
This video is perfect for ESL students, English learners, and anyone looking to improve their number reading skills in English. Follow along with our examples and practice exercises to become a pro at reading numbers in no time!
Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more valuable English lessons! 📈 @englishspeaking360
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