Chapter 33 (PART 3) | Reciting The Larger Sutra on Infinite Life | 讀誦無量壽經 3 | Amida Buddha’s 48 Vows

PART 3 takes us to our recitation of Bodhisattva Dharmakara’s 48 Vows, that seek to effectively save all suffering beings everywhere. Because the karmic circumstances of sentient beings are so varied, Dharmakara made 48 inconceivable Vows to take care of every category of persons, who want His help. PART 4, which tells us about the Fulfillment of Amida’s Vows, will be published next. ’Amida Buddha’ media channel, is dedicated to the accurate dissemination of the wonderful expositions of Venerable Master Shinran on The True Pure Land Path, known as Jodo Shinshu. It reveals the Precious Gift of Entrusting Faith in Amida Buddha’s Primal Vow, freely given by the Tathagata of Unhindered Light and Life, to all wretched sentient beings, assuring them of birth in His Land of Peace and Bliss at the end of their lives.
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