DEATHLOOP Gameplay PS5 (4K 60FPS) 2021

Deathloop Gameplay in 4K 60FPS on PS5 and improved from 30 FPS to amazing 60 FPS for much better enjoyment. Coming: May 21, 2021 Deathloop is an upcoming action-adventure game by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. Deathloop has the player in the role of Colt, an assassin that is stuck in a time loop, waking up on a beach at the island of Blackreef. The other residents of Blackreef, a former army base where strange experiments had once been held, have invested in the island and have gathered for this night to hold a party that seemingly lasts forever, as at the end of each night, the island resets to the start of the party in that time loop. Because of this reset, the partygoers pay no heed to their actions or deeds since they wake up at the start of the loop with no memories or effects of the previous loop. While Colt is part of this loop, he retains memories from each loop, learning the behaviors and patterns of the partygoers with each loop.
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