Riots and mass looting in South Africa recently. Грабежи и волнения в ЮАР.

Riots and clashes with police broke out in South Africa’s largest city, Johannesburg, amid economic problems and government quarantine Johannesburg police used water cannons to disperse the police of South African Durban decided to keep up with the looters and get a small bonus from the the police are involved in robberies ,local residents of this city have organized self-defense detachments and have come out with weapons in their hands against the whole of South Africa is gripped by riots that have nothing to do with the demand for the release of the former president of the country. Mass robberies and looting, which the police cannot cope with, and in Durban they decided to lead this process at all,are flourishing in the largest cities of the country. Беспорядки и столкновения с полицией вспыхнули в самом крупном городе ЮАР Йоханнесбурге на фоне экономических проблем и каран
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