Form Grows Rampant [2007] Complete

Video and music by Peter Christopherson of Coil, under the moniker of “The Threshold HouseBoys Choir“. May his memory be celebrated. The footage was recorded by Sleazy at the Nine Emperor Gods Festival in Thailand, a taoist celebration locally known as thetsakan kin che, the “Vegetarian Festival“ (). Coupled with his original music, featuring only artificial voices, this film is in many ways a personal exploration for Sleazy near the end of his cherishable life. “Since COIL’s ending, virtually all but the DAT archives have been widely circulated online with no clear copyright infringement or “cease-and-desist“-type action taken against such uploads (disregarding some possible and historic murmurings from the Some Bizzare[*] label). Indeed, the entire COIL released discography is freely available in sections on and has been for a long time. In short, whether by tacit or active consent
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