Continuing my never ending tour of prehistory, I’m talking a look at the Aurignacian culture, that spanned Europe 35,000 years ago.
So many people to thank in this video (remember any mistakes are mine alone, nothing to do with anyone else)!
First and foremost, thanks to my patrons! You’re the real lion men/women.
Thanks to Dr. James Dilley for his insight into prehistoric tools:
Get his awesome accurate tools here!
His Youtube:
Thanks to Dr. Cosimo Post for agreeing to be interviewed about ancient DNA. Watch that here!
Thanks to The Histocrat for recording the quotes for me:
Thanks to Barris for the French transaltions (don’t blame him for ziti and zezette though):
Thanks to you for watching!
Full list of sources can be found here *(anyone can view it, not only patrons):
Disclaimer: Use my videos as a rough guide to a topic. I am not an expert, I may get things wrong. This is why I always post my sources so you can critique my work and verify things for yourselves. Of course I aim to be as accurate as possible which is why you will only find reputable sources in my videos. Secondly, information is always subject to changes as new information is uncovered by archaeologists.
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