“Ozark“ is one of the most quality products from Netflix, and thanks to them for that. Need to realy try to do crime drama so excellent. The remier of third season was held in march, and that was excellent, and ace of trumps is Tom Pelphrey, who played Ben Davis, Wendy Bird’s brother. And there is no word explanation, except “perfectly“ and “cool“, for what this little devil does. Also he gave one of the best scene in the world of series recently, having played and pronounced 5-minute monolog, which can incorporate all that is possible, perfectly. And i wanted to devote the following work to this hero.
“Озарк“ является одним из самых качественных продуктов от Netflix, и за это им благодарочка. Сделать столь отличную криминальную драму нужно действительно постараться. В марте прошла премьера 3 сезона, который получился отличным, и главным козырем сезона стал Том Пелфри, сыгравший Бена Дэвиса, брата Венди Бёрд. И что творит этот чертяка это не описат