The PERFECT Pushup

To do a perfect pushup you have to first make sure that you’re correcting the most common push-up mistakes. It starts in the setup. Far too often, people will find themselves setting up to perform a push up with shrugged shoulders. This is wrong. If you want to perform a proper pushup you want to be sure that your scapulae or shoulder blades are going to be able to move correctly. It is impossible for that to happen when the shoulders are not in the correct place. By actively un-shrugging the shoulders and pulling them down and away from the ears you are setting the shoulder blades and taking them out of elevation. Here they have the ability to stay more engaged with the rib cage and follow the natural arc of the arms as you descend into and out of the pushup. Next, you want to make sure that you are not letting your knees or hips sag. This is one of those areas that doesn’t get enough attention in this popular chest exercise. The hips or knees being lax will cost you whole body t
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