I made this to thank BABYMETAL and especially SU-METAL for surviving and strugle together until now, until the moment I got to know them. I made this as best as I could with vocals from the first take and FL STUDIO. I know this is a bit bad because I was only an 11 year old kid who at that time borrowed my father’s school computer. I hope this can fulfill my gratitude for them, enjoy it!
Previously I wanted to say this in the description because if I were to say it in the title it would be very full! haha! The deepest statement from my heart, please if it can’t get to SU-METAL At least I want you guys to know. BABYMETAL made me do things that I previously held back. They taught me something that we can actually do, and that’s simple. “The One“ means something that is divided and then struggles to become one. we are always by each other’s side and we must stand together as one. We must believe that the world is experiencing a crisis and we are the ones who must fight to face it. Again this has the deepest meaning that I know at this time. Together, we are the Tales Of The Destenies, destroy the darkness and walk together in Road Of Resistance.
Running like a light leaving its radiance illuminating fame and will become a memory. Promise me when the beauty has disappeared, and we will no longer see them, we must believe that they still have beauty even though their light will not be emitted forever.
Behind the dark clouds you can see the rays of color. Followed by a shadow of hope, they become radiant. BABYMETAL was the one who taught me about the meaning of no rain, no rainbow. Through the sadness of the rain and uniting with the light, they create a bond that creates a rainbow far away.
How do I shout at them? BABYMETAL! I will get my dream! hold on till I meet you!
Special thanks to: @BABYMETAL?si=CzI631FRwY97Yyo6
vocal by: @The_FirstTake?si=MlH8YG223HVs3CL4
isolated by:
Song: THE ONE - Unfinished ver. / THE FIRST TAKE
Copyright entirely belongs to BABYMETAL and THE FIRST TAKE for composition, vocals, and visuals.
ready to accept copyright violations from the artist and publisher.
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