Νικόλαος Πλαστήρας [little dark age edit] Nikolaos Plastiras “ο Μαύρος Καβαλάρης“ 1883 - 1953 Plastiras was born in Karditsa, Thessaly, in 1883. He volunteered with the Greek Army and served first in the Macedonian Struggle (1904-1908) and participated in the military coup of 1909. Next, he served in the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) where he gained the monicker “ο Μαύρος Καβαλάρης“ or “the Black Rider“. Siding with Venizelos during the National Schism, he moved north and served in the first World War (1914-1918). During the Asia Minor campaign (1919-1922) he rose to further prominence, leading the 5/42 Regiment of Evzones. It would be in Asia Minor that he remained one of the few Greek commanders who manages to reform and lead a competent fighting force made up of soldiers from numerous shattered units. Plastiras managed to hold off the Turks long enough to ensure the escape of thousands of Greek civilians from the clutches of certain death or persecution. It’s for this reason that Plastiras was much loved by the survivors of the Greek Genocide and refugees from Asia Minor, long after the war’s conclusion. Plastiras would go on to serve as Prime Minister three times, and was known to never place politics above the national interest. He was an honest man. Plastiras, unlike many other Greek figures, never sought dynastic wealth; rather, he died impoverished in 1953. In fact, when he died it was revealed that he has offered his salary to orphans, so his funeral suit was bought by his friend Dionysius Carrer. When the doctor signed his death certificate, it stated he had 27 scarred sword wounds and 9 mortar marks. *Thank you to @pericles_lind for this fact “Οποίος βλέπει την πατρίδα του να καταστρέφεται και κάθεται αδρανής, είναι το ίδιο σαν να την καταστρέφει ο ίδιος“ “Whoever sees his fatherland being destroyed and sits idle, it is as if he himself destroys it“. -- Nikolaos Plastiras
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