The Varieties of Integral Spiritual Experience (with Ken Wilber and Corey deVos)

After taking an in-depth look at the path of Growing Up in previous episodes, exploring how our multiple intelligences, talents, and capacities grow over time through increasingly conscious stages of development, we now turn our attention to the path of Waking Up — taking a guided tour through these temporary states of consciousness that include everything from emotional states to chemically-induced states to the direct, immediate experience of timeless reality. Watch as Ken and Corey explore these states of consciousness in detail, revealing an infinitely renewable source of energy, resilience, and creative inspiration that rests at the very center of you. This clip was excerpted from the full 3.5 hour discussion, in which Ken and Corey explore: - Magic Mushrooms and the Politics of Consciousness - The Neoliberalization of the Human Potential Movement - There Be Dragons: Mapping the Subtle Realm - Subtle Energy Magick? - What Is Evil? - What Is Integral Embodiment?
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