CGI 3D Animated Short Film “MORTYS“ Funny Animation by ESMA

In the 21st century, a mother and son have an emotional and generational conflict, except for one small detail: the mother is none other than death. MORTYS (2011) Animation, Comedy, Adventure Subscribe to ESMA Produced by ESMA - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques () For More info on the film visit CREDITS: Gaëlle Lebègue (modélisation, blend shape, animation - ), Aurélien Ronceray-Peslin NESS (Art Direction, sets, matte painting, mapping, textures - ), Mathieu Vidal (Original idea, character design, modeling, blend shapes, animation - ), Nicolas Villeneuve (direction of production, lighting, rendering, composting - ). Voices by Barbara Tissier, Tom Trouffier. Sound Design by Studio des aviateurs & José Vicente. Music by Frédéric Abrial. Music Composed by Fréd
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