React Course - Beginners Tutorial for React JavaScript Library [2022]

React Course - Beginner’s Tutorial for React JavaScript Library [2022] 0:00 Introduction 5:27 What we’ll learn 7:03 Fun facts about react link: 9:08 First react 17:13 First React Practice 19:04 Local Setup (the quick way) 21:03 Why React? 30:38 JSX 40:19 Goodbye, CDNs! 44:27 Thought Experiment 49:57 Project 1 Part 1 - MarkUp 57:44 Pop Quiz! 59:55 Components 1:33:07 Setup a local React environment w/ Create React App 1:33:53 Babel, Bundler, Build 1:34:47 Create React app: 1:35:56 How to install 1:36:06 Use nvm or nvm-windows 1:36:33 How to install 1:41:30 Styles and images with CRA
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