Most Rare and Priceless -- Zikr by Hadhrat Shaykh Yusuf Motala (d.b.)

Rememberance of commonly known as Zikr/Dhikr by Sheikh Yusuf Motala and other muslim brothers at a spiritual gathering. Hazrat Sheikh Mohammed Yusuf Motala Sahib DB Education Hazrat completed the recitation and memorization of the Qur’an and studied Urdu at Madrasa-e-Targibul Qur’an. In 1961, Hazrat enrolled at Jami’a Husainiyya, where he completed the ’Alim course until the first year of Hidaayah. Thereafter, in 1966, Hazrat enrolled at Madhahirul ’Ulum. His classes commenced on F
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