Medieval Knight’s Armour in Grand Duchy of Lithuania & Folk Song | LDK karys & sutartinė

Mail & plate armour and clothing of a warrior from the 14th century Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Magnus Ducatus Lituaniae). In the recording you can hear one of the traditional variants of an ancient war song that women used to sing while biding farewell to their brothers, sons, husbands when they would ride off to war. The lines about Riga are more recent additions which started featuring in Lithuanian folk songs around the time of Salaspils’ Battle (also known as the Battle of Kircholm) when Latvians together with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania won against a much better armed Swedish invaders despite of not having received any help from the Polish Crown. Sena karo trejinė sutartinė iš Aukštaitijos Kupiškio apylinkių ir Vytauto eros Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kario apranga ir šarvuotė, dainuoja Vilniaus Čiurlionio MGS ansamblis, iš EP “Sutartinės“. Lyrics in English: A brother will ride off, sodauto To Rig
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