Forest fires spread across Germany: 2022 set to break Germany’s wildfire record | DW News

Wildfires in eastern Germany have triggered a “disaster alert“ and prompted local officials to plan for evacuations on Tuesday. The fires come amid extreme dry conditions across Germany and on the heels of a punishing heat wave. What is the fire situation in Germany? A blaze in the northeastern state of Brandenburg has created what a fire brigade spokesperson called a “very tense“ situation. More than 150 firefighters are struggling to bring the conflagration covering some 800 hectares under control. About 600 residents were being evacuated from their homes. Local forest fire protection officer Philipp Haase said that the fire was particularly hard to contain around the town of Rehfeld owing to strong winds. He said the military had been called out to aid the firefighters. Local officials say at least seven emergency personnel have been injured during the operation, with six taken to hospital for treatment. Meanwhile in the eastern state of Saxony, a fire that began in the
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