Duke 3D - Serious Sam “The Build Engine Encounter“ TC (second map test WIP 1)

Serious Sam “The Build Engine Encounter“ Total Conversion for eduke32 (Duke Nukem 3D) Second map test : The Sand Canyon (a revisited version). This map is almost done, just a few enemy placement to correct and some spawner value to reduce. Map created in mapster32 r10312-c126d1ea3. Well... I’m better at mapping than playing ! LOL A few things need to be fix on the whole gameplay but I already fixed a few minor bugs since the previous video. I’m really an amateur at CON programming. So, I do it according to my beginner’s skills in this matter. Thanks to the community which guides me really well and explains many aspects of this language to me. For exemple, I need to make my Highlander Reptiloïd a little but taller. But also, change Z value of blood and projectile spawning by this useractor. Other thing : correct some clipping distance (clipdist / hitbox) for some useractor (werebull for exemple), so that they properly absorb rocket projectiles. What I need to do right now : - Finish this map (98% done) - Make 2 or 3 maps more - Weapon coding for those I don’t code yet (Minigun, Sniper, Canon SBC, Serious Bomb) - Improve Flamethrower weapon ( buggy right now) - Music - Changing Palform for Beheaded Rocketman Proj (too much red when the actor hit player) - Changing some value for blood spawning Z level for taller useractor - Tiles art Code Big head useractor - Tiles art Code Ugh Zan 3 - Menu to improve font and loading screen to change - NETRISCA to code (nothing done for this yet) ---------------- Serious Sam TFE and TSE (classic and HD) are games developped by Croteam Duke Nukem 3D 1.5 is a game developped by 3D Realms (World Tour by Gearbox Software) ---------------- Thank you to Doom community for Serious Sam Retro Encounter Farwell edition by Batandy, Serious Doom 0.9 by ghostlion88, Serious Sam Sam Doom Classic Weapon Mod by Bazzoka, Serious Doom2 by ghostlion88, Quake Champion Doom Edition Serious Sam Theme. Some assets are taken from these awesome mods but with some modifications / palette conversion / color and shape rework ---------------- Using eDuke32 r10312-c126d1ea3 (Built Jun 9 2023 14:52:36, GCC , 64-bit) to work on this mod. eDuke32 is created by community leader Richard “TerminX“ Gobeille and a team of “elite ninja programmers“ including Pierre-Loup “Plagman“ Griffais, Philipp “Helixhorned“ Kutin, and Evan “Hendricks266“ Ramos (based on work by Todd Replogle/Ken Silverman/Jonathon Fowler/Matt Saettler). ---------------- Big thanks to eduke32 community (Discord Duke4 server) for all the things you learn me : Dan G (and huge thank you for the Spawner CON edit and the time spent to answer all questions I asked), Mc84, Sangman, Flamin_weenie, Mblackwell, etc...)
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